速示器 Tachistoscope触觉圈 Tactile circle
触觉像 Tactile image
触觉 Tactile or tactual sensation
触觉的 Tactile,tactual
触觉敏锐度 Tactual acuity
触觉 Tactual or tactile sensation
触觉空间 Tactual space
触觉的 Tactual,tactile
上智,材能 Talent
扣击板 Tapping board
味,味觉 Taste
味混合 Taste-blends
心理技术学 Technopsychology(Syn. Psychotechnology)
目的论 Teleology
透实体镜 Telestereoscope
气质 Temperament
温冷觉 Temperature sensation
温冷感官,温冷感觉,温冷觉 Temperature sense(Syn. Thermal sense)
温冷点 Temperature spot
时率,缓急 Tempo
时间标记 Temporal sign
暂时的外来抑制 Temportary external inhibition
趋势 Tendency
联想趋势,联合趋势 Tendency/associative
决定趋势 Tendency/determining
逃遁趋势 Tendency/escape
返家趋势 Tendency/homing
原本趋势 Tendency/original
意向统觉 Tendentious apperception
腱觉 Tendon sensation
精神张力 Tension/psychic
温冷感受力 Termesthesia,thermasthesia
末端器官 Terminal organ
上限感受性 Terminal sensitivity(Ts)
智力测验 Test/intelligence
心理测验 Test/mental
稳定测量器 Tester/steadiness
作证心理学 Testimony/psychology of
字盲 Text or word blindness(Syn.alexia)
精神配位 The mind/topography of (Syn. Mental topography)
相应说 Theory of correspondence
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