颜面表情 Facial expression助长 Faciliation
联合助长 Facilitation/associative
倒摄助长 Facilitation/retrocative
颜面角度计 Faciometer
普通因素 Factor G, general factor
普通因素 Factor general,factor G.
起伏因素 Factor O,oscillation factor
持续因素 Factor P., perseveration fctor
特殊因素 Factor S., specific factor
因素学派 Factor school
智力因素说 Factor theory of intelligence
意志因素 Factor W., will factor
起伏因素 Factor/oscillation, factor O.
持续因素 Factor/perseveration,factor P.
特殊因素 Factor/specific,factor S.
意志因素 Factor/will, factor W.
群素(智力) Factors/group (in intelligence)
官能 Faculty
官能心理学 Faculty psychologs
知识官能 Faculty/cognitive
意匠官能 Faculty/elaborative
心理官能 Faculty/mental
心灵治疗 Faith-cure(Syn. Divine cure,mental healing,mind healing)
错误反应 False reaction
热识感 Familiarity feeling
幻想 Fancy
幻想 Fantasm,phantasm
幻想 Fantasy,phantasy
幻想像 Fantasy/image of
恋父情结 Father complex (Syn. Electra complex)
疲劳 Fatigue
恐惧 Fear
低能(美),上愚(英) Feeblemindedness
感 Feel
感情,感 Feeling
调节感 Feeling of accommodation
活动感 Feeling of activity
适宜感 Feeling of fitness
卑劣感 Feeling of inferiority,or inferiority feeling
愉快感 Feeling of pleasantness
实在感 Feeling of reality
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