对暗适应眼 Dark or darkness apaptation (Syn. Scotopic adaptation)对暗适应眼 Dark-adapted eye
感觉资料 Datum/sense
书盲 Day-blindness
梦想 Day-dreaming
亮光视觉 Day-light vision(Syn. Photopia,photopic vision)
聋哑者,聋哑 Deaf-mute
心聋 Deafness/cortical (Syn. Mental or mind deafness)
心聋 Deafness/mental or mind (Syn. Cortical deafness)
心聋 Deafness/mind or mental (Syn. Cortical deafness)
乐音聋 Deafness/music or tone (Syn. Asonia)
乐音聋 Deafness/tone or music (Syn. Asonia)
语聋 Deafness/word
佯死 Death-feigning
深部感觉 Deep sensibility
心理缺陷者 Defective/metnal
自卫机构 Defense mechanism
自卫反应 Defense reaction
自卫反射 Defense reflex
延迟特性 Deferred character
延迟本能 Deferred instiner
心理缺陷 Deficiency/mental
初期延宕 Delay/initial
迟热本能 Delayed instinct
延宕反应 Delayed reaction
延迟反应 Delayed reflex
过犯者 Delinquent
夸大妄想 Delusion of grandeur
迫害妄想 Delusion of porsecution
沈郁 Depression
深度根据 Depth criteria
深度知觉 Depth perception
彩色深度 Depth/color
深蕴心理学 Depth-psychology
肤觉 Dermal sensation(Syn. Cutaneous or skin sensation)
皮肤感官,皮肤感觉,肤觉 Dermal sense
皮肤的,肤的 Derman or cutaneous or skin
欲望 Desire
颓废 Deterioration
决定趋势 Determining tendency
决定论 Determinism
心理决定论 Determinism/psychical
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