智力因素说 Theory of intelligence factor心理神经并行说 Theory of psycholoneural parallelism
特殊神经能力说 Theory of specific energy of nerves
组合说 Theory/composition
统形说 Theory/configuration
两相说 Theory/double-aspect
纵动说 Theory/hormic
气质说 Theory/humoral
念动说 Theory/ideomotor
判断原有说 Theory/idiogenetic
分区说 Theory/localization
心压说 Theory/mind-dust
心质说 Theory/mind-stuff
复演说 Theory/recapitulation
三色说 Theory/trichromatic
精神治疗法 Therapeutics/mental
温冷感官,温冷感觉,温冷觉 Thermal sense(Syn. Temperature sense)
温冷受纳器 Thermorecceptor
对抗作用说 Theroy of antagonistic process
思考 Thinking
我向思考 Thinking/autistic
定向思考 Thinking/directed
选择的思考 Thinking/selective
思想 Thought
无像思考 Thought/imageless
思想流 Thought/stream of
测心术 Thought-reading(Syn. mind-reading)
通心 Thought-transference
意识阈限 Threshold of consciousness
辨别阈限 Threshold of discrimmation
相对阈限 Threshold of limen/relative
绝对阈限 Threshold or limen/absolute
阈限 Threshold(Syn. Limen)
彩色阈限 Threshold/color
差别阈限 Threshold/difference or differential
感觉阈限 Threshold/sense
空间阈限 Threshold/spatial(or limen)
刺激阈限 Threshold/stimulus
两点阈限 Threshold/two-point
呵痒 Tickle
呵痒我 Tickle sensation
音色 Timbre(Syn. Clang-color,clang-tint,clang-quality,tone-color,tone-tint,tone or tonal character)