迷路感官,迷路感觉 Labyrinthine sense喉动记录 Laryngograph
性能潜伏期 Latency period
潜伏内容 Latent content
潜伏期 Latent period
潜伏时间 Latent time
联想律 Law of association
相属律 Law of belongingness
意动律 Law of conation
接近律 Law of contiguity
对比律 Law of contrast
不用律 Law of disuse
效果律 Law of effect
练习律 Law of exercise
频因律 Law of frequency
同一视向律 Law of identical visual direction
首因律 Law of parimacy
部分活动律 Law of partial activity(Syn. Law of piecemeal activity)
部分活动律 Law of piecemeal activity (Syn. Law of partial activity)
先入律 Law of prior entry
准备律 Law of readiness
近因律 Law of recency
相互律 Law of reciprocity
重复律 Law of repetition
类似律 Law of resemblance(Syn. Law of similarity)
类似律 Law of similarity (Syn. Law of resemblance)
转变律 Law of tension
紧张律 Law of tension
使用律 Law of use
全或无律 Law/all-or-none
联想律 Law/association
分配律 Law/distributive
学习诸律 Laws of learning
学习诸律 Learning
学习曲线 Learning curve
学习诸律 Learning laws of
附加学习 Learning/accretion
同化学习 Learning/assimilative
副学习 Learning/associate
联合学习 Learning/associative
附伴学习 Learning/concomitant
偶然学习 Learning/incidental
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