颞支 temporal branches颞筋膜 temporal fascia
颞肌 temporal muscle
指腱鞘 tendinous sheaths of fingers
小脑幕 tentorium cerebelli
终池 terminal cistern
界线 terminal line
睾丸(卵巢)动脉 testicular(ovarian)artery
鱼际筋膜 thenar fascia
鱼际间隙 thenar space
第3枕神经 third occipital nerve
胸主动脉 thoracic aorta
胸廓 thoracic cage
胸导管 thoracic duct
胸神经节 thoracic ganglia
食管胸部 thoracic part of esophagus
气管胸部 thoracic part of trachea
胸交感干 thoracic sympathetic trunk
胸肩峰动脉 thoracoacromial artery
胸背神经 thoracodorsal nerve
胸腹壁静脉 thoracoepigastric vein
胸腰筋膜 thoracolumbar fascia
胸腺 thymus
甲状颈干 thyrocervical trunk
甲状软骨 thyroid cartilage
甲状腺 thyroid gland
胫神经 tibial nerve
气管 trachea
气管支气管淋巴结 tracheobronchial lymph nodes
腹横筋膜 transversalis fascia
腕横韧带 transverse carpal ligament
颈横动脉 transverse cervical artery
横突孔 transverse foramen
寰椎横韧带 transverse ligament of atlas
颈横神经 transverse nerve of neck
会阴横韧带 transverse perineal ligament
心包横窦 transverse sinus of pericardium
腹横肌 transversus abdominis
斜方肌 trapezius
动脉导管三角 triangle of ductus arteriosus
三叉神经 trigeminal nerve
三边孔 trilateral foramen
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