手掌 palm of hand掌腱膜 palmar aponeurosis
掌中隔 palmar intermediate septum
骨间掌侧筋膜 palmar interosseous fascia
胰 pancreas
胰管 pancreatic duct
乳头 papillae
直肠旁淋巴结 pararectal lymph nodes
直肠周间隙 pararectal space
胸骨旁线 parasternal line
胸骨旁淋巴结 parasternal lymph nodes
甲状旁腺 parathyroid gland
气管旁淋巴结 paratracheal lymph nodes
附脐静脉 paraumbilical vein
盆壁筋膜 parietal pelvic fascia
壁腹膜(腹膜壁层) parietal peritoneum
壁胸膜(胸膜壁层) parietal pleura
腮腺管 parotid duct
腮腺 parotid gland
腮腺淋巴结 parotid lymph nodes
耻骨梳韧带 (Cooper,韧带) pectineal ligament
胸大肌 pectoralis major
胸小肌 pectoralis minor
盆膈 pelvic diaphragm
盆筋膜 pelvic fascia
盆筋膜间隙 pelvic fascia spaces
输精管盆部 pelvic part of ductus deferens
输尿管盆部 pelvic part of the ureter
盆腔腹膜 pelvic peritoneum
盆丛 pelvic plexus
盆内脏神经 pelvic splanchnic nerve
盆部、骨盆 pelvis
阴茎 penis
心包腔 pericardial cavity
心包窦 pericardial sinus
心包 pericardium
会阴动脉 perineal artery
会阴中心腱 perineal central tendon
会阴膜 perineal membrane
会阴神经 perineal nerve
会阴 perineum
腓动脉 peroneal artery
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