跟腓韧带 calcaneofibular ligament前列腺囊 capsule of prostate
心尖 cardiac apex
心底 cardiac base
子宫主韧带 cardinal ligament of uterus
气管隆嵴 carina of trachea
颈动脉小球 carotid glomus
颈动脉鞘 carotid sheath
颈动脉窦 carotid sinus
颈动脉三角 carotid triangle
颈动脉结节 carotid tubercle
腕管 carpal canal
马尾 cauda equina
海绵窦 cavernous sinus
盲肠 cecum
腹腔干 celiac trunk
中心腱 central tendon
头静脉 cephalic vein
小脑延髓池 cerebe11omedu11ary cistern
面神经颈支 cervical branch of facial nerve
颈筋膜 cervical fascia
食管颈部 cervical part of esophagus
颈交感干 cervical part of sympathetic trunk
气管颈部 cervical part of trachea
颈丛 cervical plexus
颈胸神经节 cervicothoracic ganglion
旋支 circumflex branch
乳糜池 cisterna chyli
锁骨 clavicle
锁胸筋膜 clavipectoral fascia
尾骨肌 coccygeus
尾骨 coccyx
胆总管 common bile duct
颈总动脉 common carotid artery
屈肌总腱鞘 common flexor sheath
肝总管 common hepatic duct
髂总淋巴结 common iliac lymph nodes
腓总神经 common peroneal nerve
拇收肌鞘 compartment of abductor pollicis
联合腱 conjoined tendon
喙突 coracoid process
冠状沟 coronary groove
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