肉膜 dartos coat颈前深淋巴结 deep anterior cervical lymph nodes
肱深动脉 deep brachial artery
足底深支 deep branch of plantar artery
桡神经深支 deep branch of radial nerve
尺神经深支 deep branch of ulnar nerve
心深丛 deep cardiac plexus
肘深淋巴结 deep cubital lymph nodes
阴茎深筋膜 deep fascia of penis
旋髂深动脉 deep iliac circumflex artery
腹股沟深淋巴结 deep inguinal lymph nodes
掌深弓 deep palmar arch
会阴深隙 deep perineal space
腘深淋巴结 deep popliteal lymph nodes
会阴深横肌 deep transverse perineal muscle
齿状韧带 denticulate ligament
降结肠 descending colon
膝降动脉 descending genicular artery
膈 diaphragm
膈胸膜 diaphragmatic pleura
二腹肌三角 digastric triangle
足背动脉 dorsal artery of foot
尺神经手背支 dorsal branch of ulnar nerve
肩胛背动脉 dorsal scapular artery
胸背神经 dorsal scapular nerve
手背静脉网 dorsal venous rete of hand
鞍背 dorsum sellae
输精管 ductus deferens
十二指肠 duodenum
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