面动脉 facial artery面神经 facial nerve
面静脉 facial vein
镰状韧带 falciform ligament
前列腺(筋膜)鞘 fascial sheath of prostate
女性外生殖器 female external genital organs
女性尿道 female urethra
股动脉 femoral artery
股管 femoral canal
股神经 femoral nerve
股环 femoral ring
股环隔 femoral septum
股鞘 femoral sheath
股三角 femoral triangle
股静脉 femoral vein
纤维心包 fibrous pericardium
终丝 filum terminale
屈肌支持带 flexor retinaculum
阴道穹 fornix of vagina
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