裁判法院 magistracy
多数票 majority of votes
大多数票制 majority system
行政失当 maladministration
强制选民登记 mandatory voter registration
宣言 manifesto
操纵选票 manipulation of votes
《义勇军进行曲》 March of the Volunteers
偏离人口配额的幅度;人口相差幅度 margin of population deviation
相差幅度规定 margin rule
可容许的人口相差幅度上限 maximum possible margin of population deviation
铜英勇勋章 Medal for Bravery (Bronze) [MBB]
多数票 majority of votes
大多数票制 majority system
行政失当 maladministration
强制选民登记 mandatory voter registration
宣言 manifesto
操纵选票 manipulation of votes
《义勇军进行曲》 March of the Volunteers
偏离人口配额的幅度;人口相差幅度 margin of population deviation
相差幅度规定 margin rule
可容许的人口相差幅度上限 maximum possible margin of population deviation
铜英勇勋章 Medal for Bravery (Bronze) [MBB]
金英勇勋章 Medal for Bravery (Gold) [MBG]
荣誉勋章 Medal of Honour [MH]
会议结束;休会 meeting adjourned
汇点〔一九九四年与香港民主同盟合并组成民主党〕 Meeting Point [merged with United Democrats of Hong Kong to form Democratic Party in 1994]
会议恢复进行 meeting resumed
会见市民计划 Meet-the-Public Scheme
成员〔选举管理委员会,行政会议〕;委员〔选举委员会〕;议员 member
成员资格 membership qualification
谅解备忘录 memorandum of understanding
《关于香港新机场建设及有关问题的谅解备忘录》 Memorandum of Understanding Concerning the Construction of the New Airport in Hong Kong and Related Questions
《香港特别行政区行政长官的产生办法》〔《基本法》附件一〕 Method for Selection of the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region [Annex I of Basic Law]
《香港特别行政区立法会的产生办法和表决程序》〔《基本法》附件二〕 Method for the Formation of the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and Its Voting Procedures [Annex II of Basic Law]
军用土地房产;军用房屋土地 military estates
提名人最低年龄规定 minimum age requirement for nomination
部长制 ministerial system
民政部〔中国〕 Ministry of Civil Affairs [China]
外交部〔中国〕 Ministry of Foreign Affairs [China]
未成年人 minor
失实陈述 misrepresentation
工作宣言 Mission Statement
滥用选举开支 misuse of election expenses
投票车 mobile poll
流动投票站 mobile polling station
模拟选举 mock election
形式;模式;方式 modality
合作模式;合作方式 modality for co-operation
选举方式 mode of election
协议范本 model agreement
《互委会规则模板》 Model Rules for Mutual Aid Committees
办事方式 modus operandi
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