《关于向国外送达民事或商事司法文书和司法外文书的海牙公约》〔一九六五年〕 Hague Convention on the Service Abroad of Judicial and Extra-judicial documents in Civil and Commercial Matters [1965]
传单 handbill
交接仪式 Handover Ceremony
交接仪式统筹处 Handover Ceremony Co-ordination Office
《香港议事录》 Hansard
黑尔选举限额〔选票〕 Hare Quota [of votes]
乡议局 Heung Yee Kuk
乡议局功能界别〔前称乡事界功能组别〕 Heung Yee Kuk functional constituency [formerly known as Rural functional constituency]
乡议局界别分组 Heung Yee Kuk subsector
高等法院 High Court
高度自治权 high degree of autonomy
高等教育界界别分组 higher education subsector
传单 handbill
交接仪式 Handover Ceremony
交接仪式统筹处 Handover Ceremony Co-ordination Office
《香港议事录》 Hansard
黑尔选举限额〔选票〕 Hare Quota [of votes]
乡议局 Heung Yee Kuk
乡议局功能界别〔前称乡事界功能组别〕 Heung Yee Kuk functional constituency [formerly known as Rural functional constituency]
乡议局界别分组 Heung Yee Kuk subsector
高等法院 High Court
高度自治权 high degree of autonomy
高等教育界界别分组 higher education subsector
较优先选择 higher preference
民政事务局〔前称政务科〕〔政府总部〕 Home Affairs Bureau [formerly known as Home Affairs Branch] [Government Secretariat]
家访计划 home visit programme
港事顾问 Hong Kong Affairs Adviser
太平山学会有限公司 Hong Kong Affairs Society Limited
香港中外联盟 Hong Kong Alliance of Chinese and Expatriates
国务院港澳办公室〔中国〕 Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office [China]
香港民主民生协进会〔民协〕 Hong Kong Association for Democracy and People‘s Livelihood [ADPL]
香港本土人士 Hong Kong belonger
香港协进会有限公司 Hong Kong Belongers Association Limited
香港中国企业协会界别分组 Hong Kong Chinese Enterprises Association subsector
港人论坛 Hong Kong Citizen Forum
香港公民协会 Hong Kong Civic Association
香港职工会联盟〔职工盟〕 Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions [CTU]
香港民主促进会〔民主会〕 Hong Kong Democratic Foundation
全国人民代表大会香港地区代表〔香港地区全国人大代表〕 Hong Kong deputy to the National People‘s Congress
香港工会联合会〔工联会〕 Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions [FTU]
香港观察社有限公司 Hong Kong Observers Limited
香港议会学会 Hong Kong Parliamentary Academic Society
港人建港 Hong Kong People Construct
港人协会 Hong Kong People‘s Association
香港永久性居民 Hong Kong permanent resident
香港政策透视 Hong Kong Policy Viewers
香港协进联盟〔港进联〕 Hong Kong Progressive Alliance [HKPA]
香港前景研究社 Hong Kong Prospect Institute
香港特别行政区 Hong Kong Special Administrative Region [HKSAR]
香港特别行政区成立日 Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Establishment Day
香港特别行政区政府土地基金 Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government Land Fund
酬金 honorarium
酒店界界别分组 hotel subsector
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