民意汇集处监察委员 Monitor, Survey Office
监察委员会 monitoring committee
每月进度报告 monthly progress report
道义责任 moral obligation
动议;议案 motion
动议获通过 motion adopted
动议获通过 motion carried
动议辩论 motion debate
动议遭否决 motion defeated
弹劾案 motion of impeachment
动议遭否决 motion rejected
提出动议 move a motion
监察委员会 monitoring committee
每月进度报告 monthly progress report
道义责任 moral obligation
动议;议案 motion
动议获通过 motion adopted
动议获通过 motion carried
动议辩论 motion debate
动议遭否决 motion defeated
弹劾案 motion of impeachment
动议遭否决 motion rejected
提出动议 move a motion
多次投票制 multi-ballot system
多边国际协议 multilateral international agreement
多边国际权利和义务 multilateral international rights and obligations
多边条约 multilateral treaty
多议席选区 multi-member constituency
多议席选择选票制 multi-member preferential system
多名候选人名单 multiple candidates list
多名获提名人名单 multiple nominees list
多次投票权 multiple voting
多议席选区 multi-seat constituency
多议席地方选区 multi-seat geographical constituency
市级国会 municipal congress
两个市政局 municipal councils
市政服务 municipal services
文康市政上诉委员会 Municipal Services Appeals Boards
损毁选票 mutilated ballot paper
互助委员会 mutual aid committee [MAC]
互选 mutual election
相互司法协助;司法互助 mutual legal assistance
刑事司法互助 Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters
《刑事事宜相互法律协助条例草案》 Mutual Legal Assistance In Criminal Matters Bill
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