立法裁量 legislative discretion
议员言论免责权 legislative immunities
立法权 legislative power
立法目的 legislative purposes
议会会议 legislative session
立法院 Legislative Yuan
立法院职权行使法 Legislative Yuan Functioning Act
立法院立法委员选举罢免法 Legislator Election and Recall Act
立法委员 Legislator; Member of the Legislative Yuan; members of the Legislature
合法建物 legitimate building
婚生子 legitimate son
给付行政 Leistungsverwaltung
议员言论免责权 legislative immunities
立法权 legislative power
立法目的 legislative purposes
议会会议 legislative session
立法院 Legislative Yuan
立法院职权行使法 Legislative Yuan Functioning Act
立法院立法委员选举罢免法 Legislator Election and Recall Act
立法委员 Legislator; Member of the Legislative Yuan; members of the Legislature
合法建物 legitimate building
婚生子 legitimate son
给付行政 Leistungsverwaltung
审判地法、法院地法 lexi fori
文字诽谤 libel
图书室 Library
图书阅览室 Library
大法官图书数据室 Library of the Justices of the Constitutional Court
无期徒刑 life imprisonment
夫妻共同生活 life of matrimonial cohabitation
轻便轨道 light rails
灯管维修室 Lights Maintenance
时效 limitation period
追诉时效 limitation period of prosecution
时效;时效期间 limitation period; Prescription; time limitation; statute of limitations
清算程序 liquidation proceedings
清算人 liquidator
上市证券 listed securities
当事人 litigant
当事人休息室 Litigants Lounge
诉讼行为 litigation act
诉讼辅导 Litigation Counseling
诉讼救助 litigation in forma pauperis
诉讼种类 Litigation type
借贷 Load
地方议会 local council
地方货币 local currency
地方机关 local government agency
地方制度法 Local Government Systems Act
地方公共团体 local public group
地方自治团体 local self-governing body
地方自治 local self-government
提存物 lodged property