刺激经济发展 Stimulate economic development
关于展示及使用国旗、国徽及区旗、区徽的规定 Stipulations for the Display and Use of the National Flag and National Emblem and the Regional Flag and Regional Emblem
暴风雨 Storms
经济发展战略 Strategy for economic development
河道观测 Stream measurement
加强宏观调控 Strengthen macro-control
加强国有资产管理 Strengthen the management of state-owned property
加强农业的基础地位 Strengthen the position of agriculture
加强社会主义法制 Strengthen the socialist legal system
露天剥采 Strip mining
结构调整计划 Structural adjustment programs
小组委员会 sub-committee
关于展示及使用国旗、国徽及区旗、区徽的规定 Stipulations for the Display and Use of the National Flag and National Emblem and the Regional Flag and Regional Emblem
暴风雨 Storms
经济发展战略 Strategy for economic development
河道观测 Stream measurement
加强宏观调控 Strengthen macro-control
加强国有资产管理 Strengthen the management of state-owned property
加强农业的基础地位 Strengthen the position of agriculture
加强社会主义法制 Strengthen the socialist legal system
露天剥采 Strip mining
结构调整计划 Structural adjustment programs
小组委员会 sub-committee
科目 Subjects
提交日期 submission date
次国家边界 Sub-national boundaries
签署为提名人 subscribe [nomination of candidates]
界别分组 subsector
界别分组选举 subsector election
界别分组正式投票人登记册 subsector final register
界别分组临时投票人登记册 subsector provisional register
界别分组投票人登记册 subsector register
附属法例;附例 subsidiary legislation
密切关系 substantial connection
替代的决议 substitute resolution
小组 sub-subsector
亚热带生态系统 Sub-tropical ecosystems
选举权;投票权 suffrage
捐赠摘要 summary of donations
夏季休会 summer recess
受监视的图象分类 Supervised image classification
监察部 Supervision, Ministry of
监督功能;监督作用 supervisory role
香港特别行政区政府宪报副刊 supplement to the Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Gazette
补充名单 supplementary list
补充问题 supplementary question
提交联合国定期报告的补充资料 supplementary report to the United Nations
《维护廉洁选举》〔廉政公署〕 Support Clean Elections [ICAC]
最高人民法院 Supreme People‘s Court
最高人民检察院 Supreme People‘s Procuratorate
剩余票 surplus vote