河口海洋学 Estuarine oceanography
《欧洲保障人权与基本自由公约》 European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms
《欧洲人权公约》 European Convention on Human Rights [Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms]
挖掘堆积 Excavation heaps
过度货币发行量 Excessive amount of currency issue
行政会议〔前称行政局〕 Executive Council
行政会议备忘录〔前称行政局备忘录〕 Executive Council Memorandum
行政会议议事程序〔前称行政局议事程序〕 Executive Council proceedings
行政管理权 executive power
行政主导 executive-led
行使权力 exercise of a power
失效选票 exhausted vote
《欧洲保障人权与基本自由公约》 European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms
《欧洲人权公约》 European Convention on Human Rights [Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms]
挖掘堆积 Excavation heaps
过度货币发行量 Excessive amount of currency issue
行政会议〔前称行政局〕 Executive Council
行政会议备忘录〔前称行政局备忘录〕 Executive Council Memorandum
行政会议议事程序〔前称行政局议事程序〕 Executive Council proceedings
行政管理权 executive power
行政主导 executive-led
行使权力 exercise of a power
失效选票 exhausted vote
现有分界 existing boundary
票站调查 exit poll
当然委员 ex-officio member
危险废物的出口 Export of hazardous wastes
解释草案 expository bill
粗放型经济 Extensive economy
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