两维纸层析术 two-dimensional paper chromatography两群模型 two-group model
两群理论 two-group theory
二回路跳脱 two-loop trip
二取二逻辑 two-out-of-two logic
二笔卷条线图记录器 two-pen strip chart recorder
二相流特性 two-phase flow characteristics
二相系统 two-phase system
二相容器冲放 two-phase vessel blowdown
两区反应器 two-region reactor
两态过程 two-state process
两阶异构物跃迁 two-step isomeric transition
梯贡〔塑料〕 tygon
型;式 type
衰变型式 type of decay
物料种类〔报告单位〕 type of material (reporting unit)
放射性衰变型式 type of radioactive decay
活字冲孔机 type punch
活字读器 type reader
打字机通信 typewriter message
打字机输出 typewriter output
台风负载 typhoon wing load
典型试样置放 typical sample mounts
钽锔酸尘谧q tyrite; fergusionite
氟钸矿 tysonite
水化钒酸钙叹q tyuyamite
钒酸钙叹q tyuyamunite
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