尖峰剂量 peak dose尖峰焓 peak enthalpy
尖峰燃粒中心温度 peak fuel center temperature
尖峰燃料焓 peak fuel enthalpy
尖峰燃料焓淀积 peak fuel enthalpy deposition
尖峰地面加速度 peak ground acceleration
尖峰地面速度 peak ground velocity
尖峰热量通率 peak heat flux
尖峰内部压力 peak internal pressure
尖峰直线热产生 peak linear heat generation
尖峰负载 peak load
尖峰粒子速度 peak particle velocity
尖峰堆积 peak pile up
尖峰压力 peak pressure
尖峰压力试验 peak pressure test
尖峰脉冲电压 peak pulse voltage
尖峰棒必v peak rod power
尖峰表面热通率 peak surface heat flux
尖峰瞬态压力 peak transient pressure
尖峰瞬态温度 peak transient temperature
尖峰工作压力 peak working pressure
布勒格峰值 peak, Bragg
扩散峰值 peak, diffusr
弹性〔散射〕峰值 peak, elastic
通率峰值 peak, flux
向前〔散射〕峰值 peak, forward
加马〔射线〕尖峰 peak, gamma(-ray)
磁镜峰值 peak, mirror
剩余最大值 peak, poison
分辨峰值 peak, residual
共振峰 peak, resolved
共振吸收峰值 peak, resonance
阴影峰值 peak, resonance-absorption
温度峰值 peak, shadow
峰距 peak, thermal
尖峰比 peaking
尖峰因数 peaking factor
尖峰通率 peaking flux
放大器感应尖峰 peaking of amplifier response
〔反应器〕曲率尖峰 peaking of the buckling
尖峰必v peaking power
通率尖峰 peaking, flux