分裂热 heat of fission生成热 heat of formation; formation heat
(1)熔合热(2)熔解热 heat of fusion; fusion heat
游离热 heat of ionization
放射性热 heat of radioactivity
汽化热 heat of vaporization
热输出 heat output
反应器的热输出 heat output of a reactor
热必v heat power
产热元件;发热元件 heat producting element
热产生 heat production
热产生反应器 heat production reactor
加热脉冲 heat pulse
热泵 heat pump
热辐射 heat radiation
热率 heat rate
热额定 heat rating
热反应器 heat reactor
排热 heat rejection
热释放 heat release
热移除 heat removal
热震 heat shock
热沉 heat sink
热源 heat source
热示踪系统 heat tracing system
热传递;传热 heat transfer
辐射传热 heat transfer by radiation
热传递系数 heat transfer coefficient
热传递方程式 heat transfer equation
传热液 heat transfer fluid
热传递装备 heat transfer ring
热输送 heat transport
热处理 heat treatment
加热冷却率 heat up and cool down rate
加热率 heat up rate
吸收热 heat, absorbed
余辉热 heat, afterglow
带走热 heat, carry away
暗红热 heat, dark
衰变热 heat, decay
迟延热 heat, delayed
分裂热 heat, fission