染剂 Paints, pigments二氯化钯 Palladium chloride
粽榈酸(十六烷磷) Palmitic acid
胰酵素 Pancreatin
盐酸罂粟碱(氢氯化罂粟碱) Papaverine hydrochloride
石蜡软膏 Paraffin ointment
三聚蚁醛(三聚甲醛) Paraformaldehyde (paraform)
三聚醋醛(三聚乙醛) Paraldehyde
糊剂 Paste
水杨酸锌糊 Paste of zinc salicylic acid
粘胶质 Pectin
石榴皮碱 Pelletierine
硫酸石榴皮碱 Pelletierine sulphate
鞣酸石榴皮碱 Pelletierine tannate
百里多 Pellidol
薄荷叶 Peppermint leaves
薄荷水 Peppermint water
胃液素 Pepsin
消化蛋白质 Peptono
球剂 Pessus, bolus
石油醚 Petroleum ethe
阿奴尼斯根 Petty whin-root
药(的),制药(的) Pharmacectic, pharmaceutical
药局制剂 Pharmaceutical preparation, galenical preparation
制药化学 Pharmacochemistry, pharmaceutical
药力学 Pharmacodynamics
生药学 Pharmacognosy, pharmacognosia
药物记载学 Pharmacography
药理作用 Pharmacological action
药理学 Pharmacology
药量学 Pharmacometry
药典 Pharmacopeia, parmacopoeia
成药 Pharmacopole
药治学 Pharmacotherapeutics
药剂疗法 Pharmacotherapy
药学(的) Pharmacy
非那西汀 Phenacetin (Acetphenetidin)
菲 Phenanthrene
消毒用石炭酸水 Phenolated water for disinfection
酚酜 Phenolphthalein
酚酜碸 Phenolsulphonphthalein
脱瘾现象 Phenomenon of abstinence
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