落花生油 rachis oil镭 Radium
莱服子油 Rapeseed oil
合理方法 Rational method
处方笺 Recipe
直肠内适用 Rectal application
精制焦油 Rectified oil of tar
精制松节油 Rectified oil of turpentine
精制木醋 Rectified pyroligneous acid
铅丹 Red lead
复铅硬膏 Red lead plaster
红色一氧化汞(红降汞) Red mercuric oxide (Red precipitate)
紫檀 Red sandel wood (red sanders wood)
还元铁 Reduced iron
凉爽药 Refrigerants
制酸健胃剂 Remedies against acid
百日咳药 Remedy for whooping cough
远达作用 Remote action
松香 Resin
松香硬膏 Resin plaster
吸收药 Resorbents
间苯二酚(雷锁辛) Resorcin (RESORCINOL)
大黄 Rhubarb
牛脂 Rindertalg
林葛尔氏溶液 Ringer‘s solution
蔷薇水 Rose water
迷迭香叶 Rosemary leaves
蔷薇花 Rose-petals
蔷薇芭酸 Rosolic acid
发赤药 Rubefaeients
俄国酒精 Russian spirit
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