虫胶 Lac乳酸 Lactic acid
乳酰乙氧基苯胺(乳酸芬纳替丁) Lactophenine
落叶松蕈 Larch agaric
劳但寗 Laudanine
熏衣草花 Lavender flowers
轻泻剂 Laxatives
醋酸铅(铅糖) Lead acetate (Sugar of lead)
碱性碳酸铅 Lead carbonate
碘化铅 Lead iodide
硝酸铅 Lead nitrate
油酸铅硬膏 lead oleate plaster
一氧化铅 Lead oxide (Lead monoxide)
二氧化铅 Lead peroxide
单铅硬膏 Lead plaster
铅醋软膏 Lead subacetate ointment
银箔 Leaf silver
卵磷脂 Lecithin
柠檬皮 Lemon peel
柠檬剂 Lemonade
致死量 Lethal dose
臭莴苣膏 Lettuce-opium
煅制镁(氧化镁) Light magnesia (Magnesium oxide)
沈香 Lignaloes
煅石灰(氧化钙) Lime
石灰水(氢氧化钙溶液) Lime water
菩提树花 Lime-tree flowers
甜浆剂 Linctus
搽剂 Liniment
涂擦剂 Liniment
氨搽剂 Liniment of ammonia
肥皂樟脑搽剂 Liniment of camphor
氯仿搽剂 Liniment of chloroform
石灰搽剂 Liniment of lime
疥疮搽剂 Liniment of scabies
亚麻仁油 Linseed oil
大风子 Linseeds
液体石炭酸 Liquefied ?? bolic acid
芳香美鼠李皮流浸膏 Liquid extract of aromatic cascara sagrada
熊葡萄流浸膏 Liquid extract of bean berry (Fluid extract of uva ursi)
颠茄叶流浸膏 Liquid extract of belladonna leaves(Fluid extract of belladonna leaves)
颠茄根流浸膏 Liquid extract of belladonna root (Fluid extract of belladonna root)
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