水杨酸苯酯(萨罗) Phenyl salicylate (salol)笨乙基巴比土酸(鲁米那) Phenylethyl-barbituric acid (Phenobarbital, luminal)
阿托方 Phenylquinolin carbonci acid (Atophan, cinchophen, phenoquin)
间苯三酚(弗罗罗格鲁辛) Phloroglucinol
磷酸 Phosphoric acid
磷酐(五氧化二磷) Phosphoric anhydride (Phosphorus pentoxide)
磷(磷) Phosphorus
五氯化磷 Phosphorus pentachloride
磷丸 Phosphorus pills
三氯化磷 Phosphorus trichloride
磷钨酸 Phosphotungstic acid
辟盐脑酸(苯二甲酸) Phthalic acid
苯二甲酐 Phthalic anhydride
生理氯化钠溶液(生理食盐水) Physiological solution of sodium chloride
水杨酸毒扁豆碱(水杨酸依巴林 Physostigmine salicylate (Eserine salicylate)
硫酸毒扁豆碱(硫酸依巴林) Physostigmine sulphate (Eserine sulphate)
苦味酸(三硝基酚) Picric acid (Trinitrophenol)
防己碱 Picrotoxine
丸剂 Pills
芦荟丸 Pills of aloes
芦荟铁丸 Pills of aloes and iron
亚砷酸丸(亚细亚丸) Pills of arsenous acid (Asiatic pills)
碳酸木溜油丸 Pills of creosote carbonate
碳酸亚铁丸 Pills of ferrous carbonate (Blaud pills)
金巫纳铁丸 Pills of iron and quinin
鸦片铅丸 Pills of lead with opium
盐酸毛果芸香碱 Pilocarpine hydorochloride
硝酸毛果芸香碱 Pilocarpine nitrate
松焦油 Pine tar
一氮陆圜 Piperidine
胡椒碱 Piperine
脑下腺 Pituitary gland
制硫酸钙(石膏,烧石膏,熟石膏) Plaster of Paris
硬膏剂 Plasters
四氯化铂 Platinic chloride
楯鬼白脂 Podophyllum resin
楯鬼臼根 Podophyllum rhizome
刀尖 Point of a knife
毒物(毒药) Poison
毒药 Poisons
商陆根 Poke root
石榴皮 Pomegranate bark