竞选对手 rival candidate
“延续”安排〔临时选民登记册〕 roll-over arrangement [provisional register]
集体负责规则 rule of collective responsibility
保密规则 rule of confidentiality
法治 rule of law
法院规则 rules of court
辩论规则〔临时立法会〕 Rules of Debate [Provisional Legislative Council]
会议规程〔临时立法会〕 Rules of Order [Provisional Legislative Council]
《香港特别行政区临时立法会议事规则》〔前称《香港立法局会议常规》〕 Rules of Procedure of the Provisional Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region [formerly known as Standing Orders of the Legislative Council of Hong Kong]
《高等法院规则》 Rules of the High Court, the
乡事组织 rural body
乡事委员会 rural committee
“延续”安排〔临时选民登记册〕 roll-over arrangement [provisional register]
集体负责规则 rule of collective responsibility
保密规则 rule of confidentiality
法治 rule of law
法院规则 rules of court
辩论规则〔临时立法会〕 Rules of Debate [Provisional Legislative Council]
会议规程〔临时立法会〕 Rules of Order [Provisional Legislative Council]
《香港特别行政区临时立法会议事规则》〔前称《香港立法局会议常规》〕 Rules of Procedure of the Provisional Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region [formerly known as Standing Orders of the Legislative Council of Hong Kong]
《高等法院规则》 Rules of the High Court, the
乡事组织 rural body
乡事委员会 rural committee
乡村选举 rural election
乡村选举制度 rural electoral system
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