舞弊行为 corrupt practice
贪污;舞弊 corruption
防止贪污处〔廉政公署〕 Corruption Prevention Department [ICAC]
临时立法会议程事项登记册 Council Agenda Item Book
临时立法会法律顾问 Counsel to the Provisional Legislative Council
点票 count
存根〔选票〕 counterfoil [ballot paper]
撤销选举 countermanding of an election
监察点票代理人 counting agent
点票中心 counting centre
点票机 counting machine
点票;点算选票 counting of votes
贪污;舞弊 corruption
防止贪污处〔廉政公署〕 Corruption Prevention Department [ICAC]
临时立法会议程事项登记册 Council Agenda Item Book
临时立法会法律顾问 Counsel to the Provisional Legislative Council
点票 count
存根〔选票〕 counterfoil [ballot paper]
撤销选举 countermanding of an election
监察点票代理人 counting agent
点票中心 counting centre
点票机 counting machine
点票;点算选票 counting of votes
点票助理员 Counting Officer
点票程序 counting procedure
点票站工作人员 counting staff
点票站 counting station
点票主任 Counting Supervisor
点票区 counting zone
高等法院上诉法庭 Court of Appeal of the High Court
高等法院原讼法庭 Court of First Instance of the High Court
公信力 credibility
跨境 cross border
跨界 cross boundary
共同成员 cross membership
互相授权 cross-authorization
边境联络会议 cross-border liaison meeting
现届任期 current term of office
保管及掌管 custody and control
习惯法;习俗法 customary law
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