放弃 waive
丢弃 waive
保证条款 warranty
保证 warranty
福利社会 welfare society
夫妻在婚姻关系存续期间 while a spousal relationship subsists
寡妇 widow
措词 worded
工作场所 work place
关系恶化 worsening of relations
对物诉讼令状 writ in rem
给予援助令状 Writ of Assistance
丢弃 waive
保证条款 warranty
保证 warranty
福利社会 welfare society
夫妻在婚姻关系存续期间 while a spousal relationship subsists
寡妇 widow
措词 worded
工作场所 work place
关系恶化 worsening of relations
对物诉讼令状 writ in rem
给予援助令状 Writ of Assistance
管有令状 writ of possession
调解书字号 Written Mediation No.
二审判决书 written order of Second Instance
法律程序文件 written process
非法的检举 wrongful prosecution
非法的告发 wrongful prosecution
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