不能成立 unable to establish不时frequently
不予支持 unassisted
工商统一税 unified industrial-commercial tax
单务合同 unilateral contract
非法 unlawful
非法逮捕, 拘禁或搜身 unlawful arrest, detention, and search
非法转让 unlawful assign men
非法查封 unlawful foreclosure
非法查封财产 unlawfully seal up property
不予支持 unassisted
工商统一税 unified industrial-commercial tax
单务合同 unilateral contract
非法 unlawful
非法逮捕, 拘禁或搜身 unlawful arrest, detention, and search
非法转让 unlawful assign men
非法查封 unlawful foreclosure
非法查封财产 unlawfully seal up property
当前第1页 共1页