出资比例 ratio of investments
定案理由 reason for decision
对帐 reconcile, reconciliation
定期减免所得税 regular reduction of income tax
规范 regulate
管制 regulate
对金钱借贷的规定 regulations of money lending
驳回 reject
驳回上诉 reject an appeal
放行条 release pass
法系地区 relevant law area
放弃 relinquish
定案理由 reason for decision
对帐 reconcile, reconciliation
定期减免所得税 regular reduction of income tax
规范 regulate
管制 regulate
对金钱借贷的规定 regulations of money lending
驳回 reject
驳回上诉 reject an appeal
放行条 release pass
法系地区 relevant law area
放弃 relinquish
发回重审 remand a lawsuit for a new trial
改过自新 remorse and reform
关系过远 remote
给予适当的经济帮助 render suitable financial assistance
废除 repeal
更换 replacement
答复 Reply
批复 Reply
被陈述人 representee
否定 repudiate
反悔 repudiate, resile
不履行合约 repudiation of the contract
付购 re-purchase
返还 restitution
归还 restitution
返还性损害赔偿金 restitutionary damages
撤消并发回给 reversed and remanded to the original court
复议 review
翻新 revision
革委会 revolutionary committee
大律师登记册 roll of baristers
规则 rule
裁定 ruling
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