急性大麻类中毒 Mental & behav dis due use opiods ; unsp mental & behav dis酒精中毒致残留性和迟发性精神性障碍 Mental and behav dis due to use of alcohol: amnesic syndrome ;
酒精(性)酒精中毒性戒断(戒酒综合症) Mental and behav dis due to use of alcohol: dependence synd ;
酒瘾综合症 Mental and behav dis due to use of alcohol: harmful use ;
酒精性精神病 Mental and behav dis due to use of alcohol: withdrawal state ;
精神障碍和神经系统疾病并发于妊娠、分娩和产褥期 Mental disord dis of nervous system comp preg/birth/puerp
嗜血杆菌性脑膜炎 Mental disorder not otherwise specified
股神经损害 Meralgia paraesthetica
商船事故引起的淹溺和沉没 Merchant ship
商船运输的非船舶事故的淹溺和沉没 Merchant ship
商船非船舶事故的船上事故,未引起淹溺和沉没 Merchant ship
商船的其他水上运输事故 Merchant ship
其他部位的恶性间皮瘤 (M90500/3) Mesothelioma of other sites
心包恶性间皮瘤 (M90500/3) Mesothelioma of pericardium
腹膜恶性间皮瘤 (M90500/3) Mesothelioma of peritoneum
胸膜恶性间皮瘤 (M90500/3) Mesothelioma of pleura
恶性间皮瘤 NOS (M90500/3) Mesothelioma unspecified
手术后甲状腺功能减退症 Metabolic disorder unspecified
流产、异位妊娠和葡萄胎妊娠后的代谢疾患 Metabolic disorders follow abort and ectopic and molar preg
派尔综合征[干骺端发育不良] Metaphyseal dysplasia
跖骨痛 Metatarsalgia
内翻跖 Metatarsus varus
高铁血红蛋白血症,未特指 Methaemoglobinaemia unspecified
甲基黄嘌呤类引起的有害效应,NEC Methylxanthines not elsewhere classified
小头 Microcephaly
小唇 Microcheilia
小眼 Microphthalmos
小口 Microstomia
先天性小耳 Microtia
中位产钳术的单胎分娩 Mid-cavity forceps delivery
中位产钳术伴有旋转的单胎分娩 Mid-cavity forceps with rotation
大脑前动脉综合症 Middle cerebral artery syndrome
丛集性头痛 Migraine unspecified
偏头痛状态 Migraine with aura [classical migraine]
典型偏头痛 Migraine without aura [common migraine]
轻度酒精中毒 Mild alcohol intoxication
新生儿轻度窒息 Mild and moderate birth asphyxia
轻度宫颈发育不良 Mild cervical dysplasia
由于脑损害和功能障碍及躯体性疾病引起的其他特指的精神障碍 Mild cognitive disorder ;
中度抑郁发作 Mild depressive episode
轻度妊娠呕吐(早期) Mild hyperemesis gravidarum
产后精神病 Mild mental and behav disord assoc with the puerperium NEC