轻度精神发育迟滞,未提及行为缺陷 Mild mental retardation other impairments of behaviour无或轻微的中度精神发育迟滞 Mild mental retardation without mention of impairment behav
轻度蛋白质-能量营养不良 Mild protein-energy malnutrition
轻度阴道发育不良 Mild vaginal dysplasia
轻度外阴发育不良 Mild vulvar dysplasia
血红蛋白病,E型 [Hb-E]) Miliaria crystallina
异常的血红蛋白 NOS Miliaria profunda
血红蛋白病,D型[Hb-D] Miliaria rubra
裂红细胞增多症 Miliaria unspecified
未特指的粟粒性结核病 Miliary tuberculosis unspecified
其他矿物盐引起的有害效应,NEC Mineral salts not elsewhere classified
盐(肾上腺)皮质激素类拮抗剂 [醛固酮拮抗剂]引起的有害效应 Mineralocorticoid antagonists [aldosterone antagonists]
盐(肾上腺)皮质激素类引起的有害效应 Mineralocorticoids
遗传性肾病变,轻微的肾小球异常 Minor glomerular abnormality
急进型肾炎综合症,轻微的肾小球异常 Minor glomerular abnormality
轻微的肾小球异常 Minor glomerular abnormality
小部份三色性 Minor partial trisomy
各种医疗装置 NEC Miscellaneous devices NEC
输血中血型配错 Mismatched blood used in transfusion
移位耳 Misplaced ear
稽留流产(过期流产) Missed abortion
肌肉的其他原发性疾患 Mitochondrial myopathy not elsewhere classified
去污剂引起的刺激性接触性皮炎 Mitral (valve) insufficiency
油脂引起的刺激性接触性皮炎 Mitral (valve) prolapse
胆道疾病,未特指 Mitral stenosis
酒精性慢性胰腺炎 Mitral stenosis with insufficiency
胰腺囊肿 Mitral valve disease unspecified
食物性皮炎(摄入) Mitral valve disorders in diseases classified elsewhere
经间痛 Mittelschmerz
门脉高压 Mix cond/sensneurl hear loss unlat unrestrc hear contra sd
灾难性经历后的持久性人格改变 Mixed and other personality disorders
其他混合性焦虑障碍 Mixed anxiety and depressive disorder
哮喘、未特指 Mixed asthma
百白破疫苗在治疗中有害效应 Mixed bact vaccines exc combos with a pertussis component
肝静脉闭塞性病 Mixed conductive and sensorineural hearing loss bilateral
肝肾综合征 Mixed conductive and sensorineural hearing loss unspecified
其他血管性痴呆 Mixed cortical and subcortical vascular dementia
高钾血症 Mixed disorder of acid-base balance
童年离别焦虑障碍 Mixed disorder of conduct and emotions unspecified
发育性表达性书写障碍 Mixed disorder of scholastic skills
其他分离性障碍 Mixed dissociative [conversion] disorders
高乳糜微粒血症 Mixed hyperlipidaemia