慢性复发性肝炎 Meniere‘s disease脑膜结核瘤 Meningeal tuberculoma
假性脑膜炎 Meningismus
脑膜炎,未特指 Meningitis due to other specified causes
分类与他处的病毒疾病引起的脑膜炎 Meningitis in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere
分类于他处的其他传染病和寄生虫病引起的脑膜炎 Meningitis in mycoses
非化脓性脑膜炎 Meningitis in other spec infectious and parasitic dis EC
霉菌病毒脑膜炎 Meningitis in viral diseases classified elsewhere
急性播散性脑炎 Meningitis unspecified
脑膜炎球菌性败血症 Meningococcaemia unspecified
纤维蛋白溶解[症] Meningococcal arthritis
脑膜炎球菌性心脏病 Meningococcal heart disease
脑膜炎球菌病 NOS Meningococcal infection unspecified
脑膜炎球菌性脑膜炎 Meningococcal meningitis
绝经期和女性更年期状态 Menopausal and female climacteric states
绝经期疾患 NOS Menopausal and perimenopausal disorder unspecified
月经调节 Menstrual extraction
急性阿片类中毒 Ment & behav dis due use alcohol: unsp ment & behav dis ;
急性使用镇静剂和催眠剂中毒 Mental & behav dis due cannabinoids ; unsp mental & behav dis
急性酒精中毒 Mental & behav dis due to use of alcohol: acute intoxication ;
酒精性遗忘综合征[遗忘-虚构综合征] Mental & behav dis due to use of alcohol: psychotic disorder ;
阿片类有害使用 Mental & behav dis due to use of opiods ; acute intoxication
类阿片致残留性和迟发性精神性障碍 Mental & behav dis due to use of opiods ; amnesic syndrome
类阿片戒断状态 Mental & behav dis due to use of opiods ; dependence syndrome
类阿片依赖综合症 Mental & behav dis due to use of opiods ; harmful use
类阿片遗忘综合征 Mental & behav dis due to use of opiods ; psychotic disorder
类阿片伴有谵妄的戒断状态 Mental & behav dis due to use of opiods ; withdrawal state
大麻类有害使用 Mental & behav dis due use cannabinoids ; acute intoxication
大麻类致残留性和迟发性精神性障碍 Mental & behav dis due use cannabinoids ; amnesic syndrome
大麻类戒断状态 Mental & behav dis due use cannabinoids ; dependence syndrome
大麻类依赖综合症 Mental & behav dis due use cannabinoids ; harmful use
大麻类遗忘综合征 Mental & behav dis due use cannabinoids ; psychotic disorder
大麻类伴有谵妄的戒断状态 Mental & behav dis due use cannabinoids ; withdrawal state
可卡因有害使用 Mental & behav dis due use cocaine: acute intoxication
可卡因致残留性和迟发性精神性障碍 Mental & behav dis due use cocaine: amnesic syndrome
可卡因戒断状态 Mental & behav dis due use cocaine: dependence syndrome
可卡因依赖综合症 Mental & behav dis due use cocaine: harmful use
可卡因导致的未特指的精神和行为障碍 Mental & behav dis due use cocaine: other mental & behav dis
可卡因遗忘综合征 Mental & behav dis due use cocaine: psychotic disorder
兴奋剂中毒 Mental & behav dis due use cocaine: unsp mental & behav dis
可卡因伴有谵妄的戒断状态 Mental & behav dis due use cocaine: withdrawal state