瓦尔登斯特伦巨球蛋白血症(特发性)(原发性) (M97610/3) Waldenstrom‘s macroglobulinaemia生物武器引起的作战行动损伤 War operations involving biological weapons
飞机摧毁所引起的作战行动损伤 War operations involving destruction of aircraft
水中武器爆炸所引起的作战行动损伤 War operations involving explosion of marine weapons
汽油炸弹引起的作战行动损伤 War operations involving fires conflagrations and hot subs
核武器所引起的作战行动损伤 War operations involving nuclear weapons
其他爆炸所引起的作战行动损伤 War operations involving other explosions and fragments
停火后发生的作战行动损伤 War operations occurring after cessation of hostilities
未特指的作战行动损伤 War operations unspecified
非常规战争的化学武器或其他形式所引起的作战行动损伤 War ops involv chem weapons oth forms unconventional warfare
常规战争的火器发射和其他形式所引起的作战行动损伤 War ops involv firearm disch oth forms conventional warfare
沃-弗综合征(脑膜炎球菌性) Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome
滑木板非船舶事故的船上事故,未引起淹溺和沉没 Water-skis
滑小板事故引起的淹溺和沉没 Water-skis
滑木板运输的非船舶事故的淹溺和沉没 Water-skis
先天性鼻畸形 NOS Web of larynx
蹼指 Webbed fingers
蹼趾 Webbed toes
颈蹼 Webbing of neck
韦格纳肉芽肿 Wegener‘s granulomatosis
韦尼克氏脑病[急性出血性脑灰质炎] Wernicke‘s encephalopathy
西尼罗河热 West Nile fever
西方马型脑炎 Western equine encephalitis
喘息、呼吸困难 Wheezing
白癣 White piedra
全染色体单体,(同源)嵌合体(有丝分裂不分离) Whole chrom monosomy mosaicism (mitotic nondisjunction)
全染色体单体性,减数分裂不离 Whole chromosome monosomy meiotic nondisjunction
全染色体三体性,减数分裂不分离 Whole chromosome trisomy meiotic nondisjunction
全染色体三体性,(同源)嵌合体(有丝分裂不分离) Whole chromosome trisomy mosaicism (mitotic nondisjunction)
副百日咳博代氏杆菌百日咳 Whooping cough due to Bordetella parapertussis
博德特杆菌百日咳 Whooping cough due to Bordetella pertussis
博德特杆菌支气管败血性百日咳 Whooping cough due to other Bordetella species
百日咳 NOS Whooping cough unspecified
新生儿宽颅缝 Wide cranial sutures of newborn
威尔逊-米基迪综合征 Wilson-Mikity syndrome
维斯科特-奥尔德里奇综合征 Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome
新生儿使用治疗性药物所致的脱瘾性症状 Withdrawal symptoms from therapeutic use of drugs in newborn
工作相关情况 Work-related condition
伤口蝇蛆病 Wound myiasis
腕或足下垂(后天性) Wrist or foot drop (acquired)
输液时液体给错 Wrong fluid used in infusion
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