粗车检查 rough-turn inspection圆杆,圆条 round bar
圆柱吊架 round bar davit
圆舶 round bilge
圆~66_1~型船体 round bilge hull
筒形锅炉 round boiler
圆[船]底 round bottom
圆锉 round file
圆形舷缘 round gunnel
圆头槽螺栓 round head grooved bolt
梁拱高,梁弧高 round of beam
舶圆部 round of bilge
圆形艉 round stern
圆冚船 round-bilge boat
圆底船 round-bottom boat
圆~66_1~ rounded chine
弧形舷缘 rounded gunwale
圆弧舷缘 rounded gunwale
围网渔船 roundhaul netter
1后甲板室2艏上甲板厕所 roundhouse
1舍入(数值)2修缘 rounding off
圆底平艉 round-tuck stern
梁弧高,梁拱高 round-up of beam
航向指示器 route indicator
逃生路径 route of escape
日常检查,例行检查 routine check
垫片 rove
纱东 roving
纱束布 roving cloth
1列2划[船] row
划桨船 row boat
铆钉行,铆钉排 row of rivet
划桨船 rowboat
划艇比赛 rowing regatta
划船 rowing vessel
桨架 rowlock
小艇舷缘支持制水板之小木块,桨架支承 rowlock bolster
桨叉座 rowlock cheek"
桨架座 rowlock chock
顶桅支索 royal backstay
顶桅绞帆 royal clew line
顶桅帆桁吊索 royal lift