鲸蜡 Spermaceti香料 Spice
酒精 Spirit
洋茴香酒精 Spirit of anise
樟脑酒精 Spirit of camphor
氯仿酒精 Spirit of chloroform
肉桂酒精 Spirit of cinnamon
醚酒精(霍夫曼氏滴剂) Spirit of Ether (Hoffmann‘s drops)
硝基甘油酒精 Spirit of glyceryl nitrate
杜松子酒精 Spirit of juniper
熏衣草酒精 Spirit of lavender
柠檬酒精 Spirit of lemon
芥子酒精 Spirit of mustard
亚硝酸乙酯酒精(甜硝石精) Spirit of nitrous ether (Spirit of ethylnitrite)
肉豆蔻酒精 Spirit of nutmeg
薄荷酒精 Spirit of peppermint
肥皂酒精 Spirit of soap
钾肥皂酒精 Spirit of soft soap
绿薄荷酒精 Spirit of spearmint
海绵 Sponge
自愈 Spontaneous cure
海葱 Squill
锡酸 Stanmic acid
八角荷香实{大茴香) Star-anise
淀粉 Starch
脂蜡酸 Stearic acid
灭菌蒸馏水 Sterilized distilled water
灭菌白明胶溶液 Sterilized solution of gelatin
阿魏 Stinking assa
健胃散 Stomachic powder
健胃药 Stomachics
苏合香 Storax
曼陀罗叶 Stramonium leaves
撒布剂 Strewing powder
强发泡软膏 Strong blistering ointment
浓氨溶液(浓氨水) Stronger ammonia water (Strong solution of ammonia)
浓蔷薇水 Stronger rose water
溴化锶 Strontium bromide
碘化锶 Strontium iodide
水杨酸锶 Strontium salicylate
毒毛旋花素 Strophanthin
毒毛旋花子 Strophanthus seeds