醚制三氯化铁酊 Ethereal tincture of iron醚制祛痰菜酊 Ethereal tincture of lobelia
醚制穿心排草酊 Ethereal tincture of valerian
醋酸乙酯(乙酸乙酯) Ethyl acetate
氯乙烷 Ethyl chloride
氨基苯甲酸乙酯(阿奈司兜辛,本佐卡因) Ethyl ester of paramino benzoir acid (Ethyl aminobenzoate, benzocaine)
大风子油酸乙酯 Ethyl hydnocarpate
碘乙烷 Ethyl iodide
乙硫醇 Ethyl mercaptan
盐酸乙基玛非 Ethyl morphine hydrochloride (dionin)
戊酸乙酯 Ethyl valerianate
成油气(乙稀) Ethylene
桉叶油酚 Eucalyptol
古柯叶 Eucalyptus leaves
桉叶油软膏 Eucalyptus ointment
二羟可待因酮(欧可达) Eucodal
丁香油酚 Eugenol
桉树叶 Eukalyptusblatter
大载乳脂 Euphorbium
赋形药 Excipient vehicle
兴奋剂 Excitants, analeptics
祛痰药 Expectorants
实验方法 Experimental method
榨制巴旦杏仁油 Expressed oil of almond
珀s Exsiccated alum (Burnt alum)
干燥硫酸亚铁 Exsiccated ferrous sulphate
干燥硫酸镁 Exsiccated magnesium sulphate
干燥磷酸钠 Exsiccated sodium phosphate
干燥碳酸钠 Exsiccated sodlum carbonate
苦艾浸膏 Extract of absinthii (Extract of wormwood)
芦荟浸膏 Extract of aloes
睡菜浸膏 Extract of buck-bea
白浸膏 Extract of calamis
龙胆浸膏 Extract of chinese gentain
金鸡纳树皮浸膏 Extract of cinchona
秋水仙浸膏 Extract of colchicum
苦西瓜浸膏 Extract of colocynth
古伦仆根浸膏 Extract of colombo
毕澄茄浸膏 Extract of cubebs
黄连浸膏 Extract of cubebs
麦角浸膏 Extract of ergot
黄花龙胆浸膏 Extract of gentian