沈淀树脂酸钴 precipitaed cobalt resinate压力熔焊;锻接 pressure welding
加压水冷型原子炉 pressurized water reactor {= PWR}
加压器{核能] pressurizer
防止垃圾污染 prevention of pollution by garbage
防止油污染 prevention of pollution by oil
防止污水污染 prevention of pollution by sewage
有火帽空弹筒 primed empty carrtridge cases
雷管;底火 primer
底火炸药 priming explosive
印刷油墨 printing ink
级进分段熔焊法 progressive block method {welding}
连续点焊 progressive spot welding
浮凸溶焊 projection weld
丙烷 propane
丙醇 propanol; propyl alcohol
发射药包 propelling charges
丙烯 propene
丙醛 propionaldehyde
丙酸 propionic acid
丙酰氯 proplonyl chloride
氯丙烷 propyl chloride
甲酸丙酯 propyl formate
丙胺 propylamine mono
二氯丙烷 propylene dichloride
环氧丙烯 propylene oxide
丙基三氯硅烷 propyltrichlorosilane
鱼精素 protamine
保护色 protection colour
蛋白质泡沫 protein bubble
蛋白质酵素 proteinase
普鲁士酸;氢氰酸 prussic acid [= hydrocyanic acid]
假绝热[的];假强热缘 pseudo-adiabatic
假绝热图 pseudo-adiabatic chart
假绝热过程 pseudo-adiabatic process
萤光菌 pseudomones fluorenscens
假单孢菌 pseudomones sp.
伪浮游生物 pseudo-plankton
干湿仪 psychrograph
空气湿度计 psychrometer
湿度计算表 psychrometric tables
好冷细菌 psychrophilic bacteria