铪金属粉 hafnium metal powder耐盐细菌 halephobic bacteria
半致死浓度 half lethal concentration; lethal concentration 50% {= LC 50}
卤化刺激性液体 halogenated irritating liquids
好盐细菌 halophilic bacteria
毒气手榴弹 hand gas grenade
烧夷手榴弹 hand incendiary grenade
手制信号装置 hand signal devices
烟幕手榴弹 hand smoke grenade
人工熔接 hand welding; manual welding
硬水 hard water
硬化油 hardened oil
硬化钢;淬火钢 hardened steel
硬化;淬火;硬化剂 hardening
有害物质 harmful substance
有害物质报告 harmful substance report
干草 hay
传热率 heat conductivity; heat transfer rate
热含量 heat content
热循环 heat cycle
热落差 heat drop
热疲劳 heat fatigue; thermal fatigue
绝热 heat insulation
绝热材料 heat insulation material
绝热试验 heat insulation test
热闪 heat lightning
热负荷 heat load
热损失 heat lose
凝结热 heat of condensation
结晶热 heat of crystallization
蒸发热 heat of evaporation
凝固热 heat of freezing
熔解热 heat of fusion
升华热;凝华热 heat of sublimation
汽化热 heat of vaporization
反应器热功率 heat output of reactor
耐热性 heat proof
热辐射 heat radiation
耗热率 heat rate
热射线 heat rays
热回收 heat recovery
放热 heat release
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