制冰机;冷冻机 ice engine制冰能力 ice making capacity
制冰机 ice making machinery
结冰 icing
理想流体 ideal fluid; perfect fluid
理想气体 ideal gas; perfect gas
点火器;点火药 igniter
导火索 igniter cord; detonating cord
照明油类 illuminating oils
照明弹[头] illuminating projectile
照明计 illuminometer
照度 illuminunce; intensity of illumination
烧夷炸弹 incendiary bomb
水银柱吋数 inch of mercury
入射 incidence
入射辐射 incident radiation
入射线 incident rays
焚化炉 incinerator
不燃材料 incombustible material; noncombustible material; non-combustible material
断续熔接 increment welding
印度橡胶溶液 Indiarubber solution
吲哚 indol
工业用醇;工业酒精 industrial alcohol
工业污染分析 industrial pollution analysis
工业酒精 industrial spirit
工业废弃物{污水物} industrial wastes
惰性气体 inert gas {= IG}
惰气鼓风机 inert gas blower
插入式投射管{武器用弹药} inert projectile
惰性固体 inert solid
惰气电熔焊;惰气金属电弧熔焊 inert-gas arc welding; inert-gas metal arc welding
惰气产生器 inert-gas generator {= IGG}
惰气窒火系统 inert-gas smothering system
惰气系统 inert-gas system {= IGS}
易燃限度 inflammability limit
易燃 inflammable
易燃压缩气体 inflammable compressed gases
易燃液 inflammable liquid
易燃液剂 inflammable liquid preparation
易燃材料 inflammable material
红外线{红内线} infra red ray; infrared-red ray; infrared rays; ultra-red ray
红外吸收湿度计 infrared absorption hygrometer
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