多氯铝 polychloroalumnium聚乙烯;保丽艾基{人造纤维的一种} polyethylene {= PE}
重合油 polymerised oil
多缩氨酸 polypeptide
强腐水性 polysaprobic
聚苯乙烯 polystyrene
聚氯乙烯 polyvinyl chloride; polyvinyl chloride wire {= PVC}
聚氯乙烯绝缘{电缆} polyvinyl insulated {cable}
熔焊位置 position of weld
阳游子;阳离子 positive ion
阳电子 positron
静止式蒸馏 pot sitill
钾液 potash liquor
砷酸钾 potassium arsenate
酸式氟化钾 potassium bifluoride
氢硼化钾 potassium borohydride
溴酸钾 potassium bromate
亚铜氰化钾 potassium cuprocyanide
氟化钾 potassium fluoride
氟乙酸钾 potassium fluoroacetate
硅氟酸钾 potassium fluorosilicate
水化钾 potassium hydrate
氢氧化钾 potassium hydroxide
金属钾 potassium metal
金属钾液体合金 potassium metallic liquid alloy
亚硝酸钾 potassium nitrite
过氯酸钾 potassium perchlorate
过氧化钾 potassium peroxide
过硫酸钾 potassium persulphate
磷酸钾 potassium phosphate
磷化钾 potassium phosphide
硝基芳香族钾盐炸药 potassium salt of nitroaromatic derivatives explosive
硅氟化钾 potassium silicofluoride
钾钠合金 potassium sodium alloy
硫化钾 potassium sulphide
马铃薯喷洒液{砷化物} potatospray liquid; potatospray arsenical liquid
潜在酸性 potential acidity
电位计 potentiometry
粉状 powder
小武器火药 powder for small arms
弹药;火药装置 power device cartridges
PP acidity PP酸度