大眦漏=漏睛 dacryocystitis
大眦脓漏 dacryocystitis with pyorrhea
一日量 daily dose
土郁夺之 Dampness accumulated in the spleen(earth) should be removed
小便黄赤 dark urine
小溲热赤 dark urine with burning sensation
子死腹中=死胎不下 dead foetus in the uterus
卫气 defensive energy
卫 defensive function
上虚下实 deficiency in the upper and excess in the lower
大肠液亏 deficiency of fluid in large intestine
下陷=中气下陷 descending disorders
大眦脓漏 dacryocystitis with pyorrhea
一日量 daily dose
土郁夺之 Dampness accumulated in the spleen(earth) should be removed
小便黄赤 dark urine
小溲热赤 dark urine with burning sensation
子死腹中=死胎不下 dead foetus in the uterus
卫气 defensive energy
卫 defensive function
上虚下实 deficiency in the upper and excess in the lower
大肠液亏 deficiency of fluid in large intestine
下陷=中气下陷 descending disorders
下行通路 descending pathway
上消 diabetes involving the upper-jiao
下利 diarrgea
下利清谷 diarrhea with undigested food in the stool
八片锦 different pictures of superficial venules of index finger in children as a reference for diagnosis
7 三焦辨证 differentiation of syndrome according to the pathological changes of trijiao
小便涩痛 difficulty and pain in micturition
二便不利 difficulty in urination and defecation
三阳合病 disease involving all three yang channels
大肠病 disease of large intestine
三阳病 disease of the three yang channels
三焦病 disease of tri-jiao
三阴病 diseases of the three yin channels
子病及母 disorder of the child organ affecting the mother organ
小肠病 disorder of the small intestine
下胎毒法 dispelling toxic heat and meconium gathered at the fetus for the new born
小腹满 distension of lower addomen
大分 distinct line between large muscles
下厥上冒 dizzeness caused by adverse flow of qi
上翘下钩势 dorso-extension and ventro-flexion exercise
下焦湿热 downward flow of damp and heat
干霍乱 dr cholera
大泻刺 drainage needling
小便淋沥 dribbling urination
干皮 dried bark
小便淋沥 dripping discharge of urine
刀创伤 drug for incised wound
干脚气 dry beriberi
干胁痛 dry hypochondriac pain
口干唇燥 dry mouth and lips
当前第1页 共2页