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传统中医学英语词汇    A B C D E F G H I J L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
大眦漏=漏睛    dacryocystitis

大眦脓漏    dacryocystitis with pyorrhea

一日量    daily dose

土郁夺之    Dampness accumulated in the spleen(earth) should be removed

小便黄赤    dark urine

小溲热赤    dark urine with burning sensation

子死腹中=死胎不下    dead foetus in the uterus

卫气    defensive energy

卫    defensive function

上虚下实    deficiency in the upper and excess in the lower

大肠液亏    deficiency of fluid in large intestine

下陷=中气下陷    descending disorders

下行通路    descending pathway

上消    diabetes involving the upper-jiao

下利    diarrgea

下利清谷    diarrhea with undigested food in the stool

八片锦    different pictures of superficial venules of index finger in children as a reference for diagnosis

7 三焦辨证    differentiation of syndrome according to the pathological changes of trijiao

小便涩痛    difficulty and pain in micturition

二便不利    difficulty in urination and defecation

三阳合病    disease involving all three yang channels

大肠病    disease of large intestine

三阳病    disease of the three yang channels

三焦病    disease of tri-jiao

三阴病    diseases of the three yin channels

子病及母    disorder of the child organ affecting the mother organ

小肠病    disorder of the small intestine

下胎毒法    dispelling toxic heat and meconium gathered at the fetus for the new born

小腹满    distension of lower addomen

大分    distinct line between large muscles

下厥上冒    dizzeness caused by adverse flow of qi

上翘下钩势    dorso-extension and ventro-flexion exercise

下焦湿热    downward flow of damp and heat

干霍乱    dr cholera

大泻刺    drainage needling

小便淋沥    dribbling urination

干皮    dried bark

小便淋沥    dripping discharge of urine

刀创伤    drug for incised wound

干脚气    dry beriberi

干胁痛    dry hypochondriac pain

口干唇燥    dry mouth and lips

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