小腹疽(痈) carbuncle of lower abdomen
大腿痈 carbuncle of thigh
干疽 cellulitis at the anterolateral aspect of the shoulder
上搭手 cellulitis near the scapular region
子门 cervical orifice of uterus
下疳 chancre
小儿咳逆 choking cough in children
久泻不止 chromic diarrhea
久咳 chronic cough
久泻 chronic diarrhea
久疟 chronic malaria
三毛(丛,聚) clump hair
大腿痈 carbuncle of thigh
干疽 cellulitis at the anterolateral aspect of the shoulder
上搭手 cellulitis near the scapular region
子门 cervical orifice of uterus
下疳 chancre
小儿咳逆 choking cough in children
久泻不止 chromic diarrhea
久咳 chronic cough
久泻 chronic diarrhea
久疟 chronic malaria
三毛(丛,聚) clump hair
上寒下热 cold in the upper and heat in the lower
三焦虚寒 cold syndromes of deficiency type
大厥 coma
小儿感冒 common cold in children
小儿遗毒烂斑 congenital syphilis
大便不通 constipation
大肠寒结 constipation due to retention of cold-pathogen in large intestine
下汲肾阴 consumption of the kidney-yin by the excessive heart fire
马桶癣 contact dermatitis of buttock
小儿手拳 contracture of fingers in children
三阴痉 convulsion with symptoms of three yin channels
小儿客忤 convulsive seizure in duced by terror in children
尸厥 corpse-like syncope
小儿咳嗽 cough in children
寸脉 cun pulse
寸口脉 cunkou pulse
口唇发紫 cyanotic lips
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