口干唇裂 dry mouth with cracked lips
大便干结 dry stool
干便 dry stool
干陷 dry type of inward penetation of pyogenic agent
下损及上 dusease in the lower part affecting the upper
大便困难 dyschesia
下利赤白 dysenteric diarrhea
大瘕泄 dysentery
小儿痢疾 dysentery in children
小儿喘急 dyspnea in children
大便干结 dry stool
干便 dry stool
干陷 dry type of inward penetation of pyogenic agent
下损及上 dusease in the lower part affecting the upper
大便困难 dyschesia
下利赤白 dysenteric diarrhea
大瘕泄 dysentery
小儿痢疾 dysentery in children
小儿喘急 dyspnea in children
当前第2页 共2页