转速表? tachometer
成套分析设备 tachometer
尾管? tail pipe
拖尾? tailing
五氧化二碘法 tailing
后栏板起重运输车? tail-lift truck
高空作业车 tail-lift truck
切向进气道进气? tangential duct intake
冷藏集装箱 tank container
罐式集装箱? tank container
罐式汽车? tanker
酸罐车 tanker
成套分析设备 tachometer
尾管? tail pipe
拖尾? tailing
五氧化二碘法 tailing
后栏板起重运输车? tail-lift truck
高空作业车 tail-lift truck
切向进气道进气? tangential duct intake
冷藏集装箱 tank container
罐式集装箱? tank container
罐式汽车? tanker
酸罐车 tanker
附装燃油箱中的电动燃油泵? tank-mounted eletric fuel pump
挺杆转位? tappet rotation
出租小客车? taxicar
设计任务书 technical -economic analysis in automobile design
汽车设计的技术经济分析? technical -economic analysis in automobile design
工程机械运输车 telecommunicatin field service truck
电信工程车? telecommunicatin field service truck
海拔补偿 temperature compensating
温度补偿? temperature compensating
微粒物捕集装置 temperature controlled (modulated )air cleaner
调温式空气滤清器? temperature controlled (modulated) air cleaner
控温装置? temperature regulating device
温度传感器? temperature sensor
压力传感器 temperature sensor
温度开关? temperature switch
节气门位置开关 temperature switch
张紧带轮? tensioning pulley
张紧轮? tensioning wheel
试验循环? test cycle
试验标靶? test target
试验方法和限值? testing method and limits
试验场地? testing site
累积疲劳损伤原理? theory of cumulative damage in fatique
优化设计 theory of cumulative damage in fatique
热态反应系统? thermal reacting system
热反应器 thermal reacting system
反应式歧管 thermal reactor
热反应器? thermal reactor
热时常数? thermal time-constant
热电偶? thermocouple
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