半梯形环? half keystone ring
半速齿轮? half speed gear
手油门? hand throttle
伤残者运送车? handicapped person carrier
炊事车 handicapped person carrier
硬顶吉普车? hard top jeep
谐振平衡器? harmonic balancer
叉状带? harness belt
哈里逊式散热器? Harrison type radiator
头部重心加速度? head C.G.acceleration
头部伤害指数? head injury criteria (HIC)
头部旋转? head rotation
半速齿轮? half speed gear
手油门? hand throttle
伤残者运送车? handicapped person carrier
炊事车 handicapped person carrier
硬顶吉普车? hard top jeep
谐振平衡器? harmonic balancer
叉状带? harness belt
哈里逊式散热器? Harrison type radiator
头部重心加速度? head C.G.acceleration
头部伤害指数? head injury criteria (HIC)
头部旋转? head rotation
头部扭转? head twist
头部重心运动轨迹? headc.G. Trajectory
头部扭曲? headflexion
售货车 hearse
殡仪车? hearse
热平衡试验? heat balance test
升温横跨管道? heat crossover
隔热槽? heat dam
热交换器? heat exchanger
不透气收集袋 heat exchanger
隔热板? heat shield
沥青运输车? heated bitument tanker
建筑大板运输车 heated bitument tanker
加热式氢火焰离子化检测器? heated flame ionization detector
氮氧化合物转化器 heated flame ionization detector
重型自卸汽车? heavy duty dump truck
矿用自卸汽车 heavy duty dump truck
重型越野车? heavy off -road vehicle
重型货车? heavy truck
车架高度? height of chassis above ground
驾驶室后车架最大可用长度 height of chassis above ground
牵引座结合面高度? height of coupling face
牵引装置至车辆前端的距离 height of coupling face
牵引装置牵距 heigth of towing attachment
牵引装置的高度? heigth of towing attachment
螺旋进气道进气? helical duct intake
半球形燃烧室? hemispherical combustion chamber
上部安装燃油喷射泵? high flanged-mounted fuel injection pump
值尸体试验? high G-level cadaver test
高升程摇臂? high lift rocker arm
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