模拟/数字( A/D)
下止点后? abdc (after bottom dead center)
节气门后EGR 系统 above throttle valve EGR system
系统? above throttle valve EGR system
快速磨损试验? accelerated wear test
加速泵? accelerating pump
加速泵喷嘴? accelerating pump nozzle
加速油井? accelerating well
加速性能? acceleration performance
验收试验? acceptance test
事故原因? accident cause
蓄能式燃油喷射泵? accumulator fuel injection pump
下止点后? abdc (after bottom dead center)
节气门后EGR 系统 above throttle valve EGR system
系统? above throttle valve EGR system
快速磨损试验? accelerated wear test
加速泵? accelerating pump
加速泵喷嘴? accelerating pump nozzle
加速油井? accelerating well
加速性能? acceleration performance
验收试验? acceptance test
事故原因? accident cause
蓄能式燃油喷射泵? accumulator fuel injection pump
全量程 accuracy
精度? accuracy
液化气罐车 acid tanker
酸罐车? acid tanker
隔声罩? acoustic hood
适应性系数? adaptive coefficient
化油器附加器? adaptor carburetor
调整试验? adjustment test
空气阻力? aerodynamic resistance
滚动阻力 aerodynamic resistance
排气再循环系 after burner
后燃器? after burner
空气滤清器及进排气系统? air cleaner and intake and exhaust sytem
空气消耗率? air consumption
风冷? air cooling
空气垫约束系统? air cushion restraint system (ACRS)
风道? air ducting
空气滤清器? air filter
空气滤清器盖? air filter cover
空气滤清器壳体? air filter housing
空气滤清器贮存装置? air filter storage system
空气流量测量? air flow measurement
空燃比? air fuel ratio
空气量孔? air jet
系统? air proportional EGR system
负荷比例式EGR系统 air proportional EGR system
气囊? airbag
风冷式发动机? air-cooled engine
散装粮食运输车 aircraft caterer‘s delivery truck
航空食品装运车? aircraft caterer‘s delivery truck
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