干货集装箱 live-stock container
动物集装箱? live-stock container
孔口真空控制式EGR 系统 load proportional EGR system
系统? load proportional EGR system
装卸机械? loading (unload) machine
叉式装货机 loading (unload)machine
货台高度 loading height
货厢有效内高? loading height
货厢内宽 loading length
货厢有效长度? loading length
加载性能? loading performance
货厢内高? loading space height
动物集装箱? live-stock container
孔口真空控制式EGR 系统 load proportional EGR system
系统? load proportional EGR system
装卸机械? loading (unload) machine
叉式装货机 loading (unload)machine
货台高度 loading height
货厢有效内高? loading height
货厢内宽 loading length
货厢有效长度? loading length
加载性能? loading performance
货厢内高? loading space height
货厢有效内高 loading space height
货厢有效长度 loading space length
货厢内长? loading space length
货厢内宽? loading space width
货厢有效内宽 loading space width
门高 loading surface
货厢容积? loading surface
车架自由长度 loading surface height
货台高度? loading surface height
货厢有效内宽? loading width
货厢内高 loading width
原木运输车? logging transporter
管材运输车 logging transporter
长途大客车? long distance coach
长焦距镜头? long focal lengh lenses
长杆喷嘴? long stem nozzle
长行程? long stroke
纵向的? longitudinal
垂直的 longitudinal
长轴距货车? long-wheelbase truck
下止点? lower dead center (bottom dead center)
下水箱? lower tank
最低稳定工作转速试验? lowest continuous speed test with load
最低稳定工作转速? lowest continuous speed with load
低架式挂车? low-loader trailer
厢式挂车 low-loader trailer
润滑? lubrication
润滑周期? lubrication interval
润滑系? lubrication system
加载减速法? lug down method
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