申索人;索偿人 claimant
申索统计数字 claims statistics
保险业务类别 class of insurance business
财产类别 class of property
递减率 claw-back
清拆成本 clearance cost
结算;票据交换;清算 clearing
结算账户 clearing account
结算和交收系统 clearing and settlement system
结算差额 clearing balance
结算银行 clearing bank
交换支票 clearing cheque
申索统计数字 claims statistics
保险业务类别 class of insurance business
财产类别 class of property
递减率 claw-back
清拆成本 clearance cost
结算;票据交换;清算 clearing
结算账户 clearing account
结算和交收系统 clearing and settlement system
结算差额 clearing balance
结算银行 clearing bank
交换支票 clearing cheque
结算所;票据交换所 clearing house
结算所自动转帐系统 Clearing House Automated Transfer System [CHATS]
香港银行公会结算所 Clearing House of the Hong Kong Association of Banks
结算会员 clearing member
结算会员基金 Clearing Members‘ Fund
结算参与者 clearing participant
结算费用的回佣 clearing rebate
《结算规则》〔联交所期权结算所有限公司〕 Clearing Rules [SEHK Options Clearing House Limited]
财务委员会秘书〔立法会〕 Clerk to Finance Committee [Legislative Council]
税务上诉委员会书记 Clerk to the Board of Review
客户;委托人;当事人 client
客户协议 client agreement
客户保密的责任 client confidentiality
客户款项 client money
客户结单 client statement
客户资金 clients fund
结算;收市;收盘 close
平仓;轧平头寸 close a position
股份不公开的公司 close company
收市时价位较高 close higher
收市时价位较低 close lower
收市时荣辱互见 close mixed
交易所停市 close of exchange
财政年度终结 close of financial year
平仓 close out
平长仓 close out a long position
平空仓 close out a short position
收市时价格稳定 close steady
弥补差距 close the gap
平仓 closed position