日本证券结算公司 Japan Securities Clearing Corporation?
日本证券交易商自动报价协会 Japanese Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations?
日本证券金融公司 Japanese Securities Finance Company?
日圆 Japanese Yen [JPY]?
怡富银行 Jardine Fleming Bank Limited?
日本信用保证财务有限公司 JCG Finance Company, Limited?
建新银行 Jian Sing Bank Limited?
分批成本计算系统 Job Costing System?
当日平仓买卖 jobber trade?
证券经销经纪;证券批销经纪;“批家” jobber?
证券经销业务 jobbing business?
从顾客身上赚价 jobbing on client?
日本证券交易商自动报价协会 Japanese Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations?
日本证券金融公司 Japanese Securities Finance Company?
日圆 Japanese Yen [JPY]?
怡富银行 Jardine Fleming Bank Limited?
日本信用保证财务有限公司 JCG Finance Company, Limited?
建新银行 Jian Sing Bank Limited?
分批成本计算系统 Job Costing System?
当日平仓买卖 jobber trade?
证券经销经纪;证券批销经纪;“批家” jobber?
证券经销业务 jobbing business?
从顾客身上赚价 jobbing on client?
经销制度;批销制度 jobbing system?
联名户口;联合账户;共同账户 joint account?
共同及各别的承付票 joint and several note?
合并评税 joint assessment?
共同合约 joint contract?
共同债权人 joint creditor?
共同债项 joint debt?
共同债务人 joint debtor?
《有关监管跨境投资管理活动的联合声明》 Joint Declaration on Cooperation and Supervision of Cross-Border Investment Management Activities?
共有产业 joint estate?
联权共有产业的帐目 joint estates account?
联合财富情报组〔香港金融管理局〕 Joint Financial Intelligence Unit [Hong Kong Monetary Authority]?
联合拨款资助计划 Joint Funding Scheme?
联名持有人 joint holder?
连带责任;共同责任 joint liability?
联合清盘人 joint liquidator?
联合贷款 joint loan?
联名拥有人 joint owner?
共有权 joint ownership?
共同呈请书 joint petition?
联权共有财产 joint property?
世界银行/国际货币基金组织联合秘书处 Joint Secretariat of the World Bank Group/International Monetary Fund?
联合启事 joint statement?
合股组织 joint stock association?
联合技术工作小组〔由香港金融管理局、香港联合交易所有限公司及证券及期货事务监察委员会组成〕 Joint Technical Working Group [formed by Hong Kong Monetary Authority, Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited and Securities and Futures Commission]?
联权共有 joint tenancy?
联权共有人 joint tenant?
共同入息总额 joint total income?
合营账户;合伙帐 joint venture account?
合营企业协议 joint venture agreement?
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