港基国际财务有限公司 IBA Credit Limited?
游资;闲置资金 idle fund?
违法代价 illegal consideration?
不合法贷款 illegal loan?
直接及现有的利益 immediate interest?
经济近期展望 immediate outlook for the economy?
有直接关系的各方 immediate parties?
与移民有关的投资计划 immigration-linked investment scheme?
不动产 immovable property?
豁免权;免除责任 immunity?
内含平减物价指数 implicit price deflator?
隐含弥偿 implied indemnity?
游资;闲置资金 idle fund?
违法代价 illegal consideration?
不合法贷款 illegal loan?
直接及现有的利益 immediate interest?
经济近期展望 immediate outlook for the economy?
有直接关系的各方 immediate parties?
与移民有关的投资计划 immigration-linked investment scheme?
不动产 immovable property?
豁免权;免除责任 immunity?
内含平减物价指数 implicit price deflator?
隐含弥偿 implied indemnity?
进出口贸易统计数字 import and export trade statistics?
进出口贸易 import and export trade?
进口需求 import demand?
进口保证金计划 import deposit scheme?
进口税 import duty?
进口价格 import price?
进口附加税;进口附加费 import surcharge?
进口通胀;输入通胀 imported inflation?
课税;征税 imposition of tax?
预垫备用金账户;定额备用金账户 imprest account?
预垫备用现金;定额备用现金 imprest cash?
预垫备用金;定额备用金 imprest fund?
预垫备用金令 imprest warrant?
不当投资 improper investment?
推算成本;设算成本 imputed cost?
估算价格 imputed price?
按绝对现金数值 in absolute cash terms?
按绝对价值计算 in absolute terms?
商号保管 in custody of firm?
负债 in debt?
以……为单位 in denomination of...?
按货币计算 in money terms?
按净额计算 in net terms?
按名义价值计算 in nominal terms?
按实值计算 in real terms?
按相对价值计算 in relative terms?
按增值额计算 in terms of value-added?
正在赚钱;当时有利价;资金充裕 in the money?
按价值计算 in value terms?
不活跃认股权证 inactive warrant?
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