逆向投资者 contrarian
供款 contribution
核心盈利 core earnings
挟仓 cornering; squeeze; short squeeze
法团大股东具报书 Corporate Substantial Shareholders Notification
持权成本【期权】 cost of carry
持有成本 cost of carry
券面利率 coupon; coupon rate
沽出备兑期权 covered writing
信贷 credit
信贷管制 credit control
信贷额度* credit limit
供款 contribution
核心盈利 core earnings
挟仓 cornering; squeeze; short squeeze
法团大股东具报书 Corporate Substantial Shareholders Notification
持权成本【期权】 cost of carry
持有成本 cost of carry
券面利率 coupon; coupon rate
沽出备兑期权 covered writing
信贷 credit
信贷管制 credit control
信贷额度* credit limit
信贷评级 credit rating
信用评级 credit rating
信贷风险 credit risk
信贷紧缩 credit squeeze
相互上市 cross listing; dual listing
原油期货 crude oil futures
往来账 current account
托管人 custodian
保管人 custodian
托管商参与者【中央结算系统参与者】 Custodian Participant【CCASS Participants】
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